Arrest in India of first woman IS agent?

Muslims should follow Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the IS (Islamic States) chief as their role model. Forcibly convert non-Muslims into Islam you’ll be given place in the heaven i.e. Allah will bless you with an entry in Jannah. Such type of fire-breathing sermons are posted on the Facebook wall of Afshan Jabeen working for Islamic State (IS) arrested some days ago. The first Indian woman Afshan Jabeen working for dreaded terrorist outfit IS deeply rooted in Iraq and Syria has been arrested from Hyderabad after being deported from UAE to India. Afshan Jabeen alias Nichole Joseph who used to recruit online for IS was deported to India from UAE last Thursday alongwith her husband and three daughters. Her husband has been identified as Devendra Batra alias Mustafa. The woman was arrested by the Hyderabad police at Rajiv Gandhi Airport soon after reaching India.

The IS connection of this woman was detected in January when a young technocrat Salman Moinuddin informed about it after being arrested at Hyderabad Airport while leaving for Dubai. Aged around 30-35 years Salman Moinuddin told the police that a woman named Nicky Joseph claiming to be a British citizen met him online and told Salman that she loves him. During the interrogation he also told the police that the woman wanted to flee to Syria with him so that Salman could be recruited into IS. Though Salman is married and a post graduate in science and has worked earlier for IS. Jabeen was living in Dubai but as soon as Indian agencies found proofs against her they immediately contacted UAE authorities and got her deported to India. Interrogation of Afshan Jabeen is continuing.

UAE has deported four more Indians after deporting of Afshan Jabeen. Investigation from Afshan Jabeen working for IS are continuing. Though it was not fully disclosed whether 37 year old Afshan Jabeen alias Nicky Joseph was in direct contact with IS leaders or not. It has been disclosed in the interrogation that in the year 2014 an incident occurred in Gaza in which many Muslims died. Afshan Jabeen became an orthodox Muslim after the incident. She formed four groups on Facebook.  Afshan began to spit fire on the social media and started a campaign to forcibly convert non-Muslims into Islam. She also wrote on her wall that whosoever converts a non-Muslims into Islam in the name of Jehad will be given place in Jannah by Allah. IS threats in India are increasing and if our government and security agencies are not alert it may result in a disaster.  Many supporters of I.S like Afshan Jabeen are also present within India. Some outfits like SIMI also have soft corner for IS.

Of late IS has been engaged in the campaign of engaging Indian Muslims living in the Gulf countries. Concerned over negligible response from world’s second largest Muslim populated India, IS leaders are luring Indians living in counties like United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen in the name of strengthening Islam. UAE decided to deport four more Indians lured by such delusion after deporting Afshan Jabeen. At first sight UAE has started pushing its dirt to India. According to MHA sources these four Muslim youths reached here on Tuesday belong to Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Sources revealed that four more youths have been identified in Dubai having attraction for IS.  In fact these eight youths were in contact with a north Indian and a Bangladeshi present in Syria. An agency official watching the worldwide activities of IS told that after being declared non-Islamic by the Indian Muftis and Ulemas, IS leaders are giving more attention towards Muslim Indians living abroad for 10 to 15 years. In an attempt to counter the declaration of Ulemas regarding IS being non-Islamic likely to be included in the speech of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He is scheduled to visit US in the last week of this month.

Sources said that in IS huge recruitments is also on in Europe. Thus it has become a matter of concern and tension in various European countries. India will have to combat IS at its own. US president has announced that he will not deploy his army for any ground battle with IS. If India assumes that the US will help it in combating IS it will be befooling oneself.  Asad government in Syria no matter how worse it may be, today is in the best position to put a check on IS on the ground level. Other gulf countries like Saudi Arabia etc. do not have enough courage or strength to combat IS. One thing is beyond comprehension i.e. Iran’s attitude over the whole issue. Being a Shia country why doesn’t it openly help Syria’s Asad (Shia) government? IS has become a threat for India. India should realize this as soon as possible.

-        Anil Narendra



اس بلاگ سے مقبول پوسٹس

’’مجھے تو اپنوں نے لوٹا غیروں میں کہاں دم تھا۔۔ میری کشتی وہاں ڈوبی جہاں پانی بہت کم تھا‘‘

’وائف سواپنگ‘ یعنی بیویوں کی ادلہ بدلی کامقدمہ

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