Being a traitor, Yakub was really entitled to capital punishment

Facts given in the pros and cons of the hanging of Yakub Memon have forced the secular society of the country to think whether the terrorism and treason will now be included in the game of dirty politics? If the opponents of hanging oppose this on this pretext that the capital punishment should be abolished from the country, the issue could be debated but if the base of the debate is that the culprit belongs to a particular religion and therefore is being targeted, it’s absolutely wrong. Yakub Memon was a terrorist. Had his companions involved in 1993 bomb blasts seen the religions of the deceased persons while causing blasts? Yakub Memon was given legally as much chances as were not given to any other terrorist. The Supreme Court also held its hearing at midnight lest anyone could say that the accused was denied any justice.  The Supreme Court delivered its 792 pages judgement in the case on 21st March 2013. Out of these 792 pages, about 300 pages were on Yakub Memon and his involvement in these bomb blasts. The hon’ble court even said that Yakub Memon is the master mind and fully involved in this conspiracy. He hid the RDX used for first time in India. He sent money to Tiger Memon, Dawood Ibrahim and ISI through hawala. He sent 15 people to Dubai for being trained to plant bombs. On their return, he bought old vehicles to plant bombs and even decided in which places of Mumbai these were be parked. Yakub arranged the passport and visa for the people sent to Dubai. It can be debated that the capital punishment in the country should be abolished or not but nobody believes that Yakub was innocent. The 40 so called intellectuals and fake secularists pleading for life imprisonment for Yakub also believed that Yakub is guilty but is being over punished and he should be awarded life imprisonment instead of capital punishment for his offences. They also believe that Yakub is a culprit, guilty. It is also pleaded that Yakub was brought to Delhi by Indian intelligence agency RAW under an agreement. Late Raman is being referred that he narrated in an article that Memon had surrendered and he was brought on an assurance that you’ll not be given capital punishment. As per an NDTV report Yakub Memon was fed up with living in Pakistan and so he had come to Kathmandu to meet his lawyer and explore if he could return to India and can there be any compromise with the Government of India? His lawyer forbade him doing so and told you’re safe in Pakistan and can’t come back to India. Yakub was returning to Karachi while Nepalese Police arrested him and later handed him over to India. Yakub Memon neither surrendered nor had the Government of India a deal with him. The plea is wrong that he was betrayed. Late Raman himself was the secular most officer. He died of cancer. Yakub Memon was the most educated in the family. He was a chartered accountant. While Yakub was trying to raise the living standard of the family after studies, his elder brother Ibrahim Memon alias Tiger Memon was linking with the mafia leader Dawood Ibrahim. Memon family had shifted to Dubai before the Mumbai blasts and later on shifted to Pakistan. Yakub was fed up with Pakistan and he wanted to come back just after 18 months. He was arrested by CBI at Delhi Railway Station on 5th August 1994. Had there been any agreement with the Government of India, he would have been made an approver (Government witness). Why did not Dawood Ibrahim, Tiger Memon and ISI take any step in favour of Yakub within last 20 years? May be the conspiracy of Mumbai bomb blasts on 12th March 1993 was prepared by the Tiger Memon, Dawood Ibrahim and ISI but Yakub Memon had the main role in it. He himself supplied ammunition, weapons, detonators etc. to others involved in the blasts and collected Rs. 21.90 lakhs from people for blasts. Who and where was fully planned by Yakub Memon and after deciding he alongwith the family fled to Karachi. We want to ask such so called secularists had such type of incident occurred in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab countries he would have been beheaded 22 years ago. The law of our country is flexible and therefore India is becoming a pasture for terrorism. A human being is identified by his acts not by his religion. If you live like Kalam the nation will respect you with heart, if you try to be Yakub you will be called a traitor. Live like Kalam and the nation will salute you.



اس بلاگ سے مقبول پوسٹس

’’مجھے تو اپنوں نے لوٹا غیروں میں کہاں دم تھا۔۔ میری کشتی وہاں ڈوبی جہاں پانی بہت کم تھا‘‘

’وائف سواپنگ‘ یعنی بیویوں کی ادلہ بدلی کامقدمہ

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